Workshop Objectives
Our numerical weather prediction models now achieve very fine resolutions, yet the advantages of refined grids can become less obvious as the horizontal grid spacing approaches the hectometric scales. In this resolution regime—between Large-Eddy Simulations (commonly used for process studies and model development) and traditional mesoscale RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) simulations lies Wyngaard’s ‘Terra Incognita’, a grey zone where the conventional turbulence parametrization assumptions are no longer valid. Grey-zone simulations are particularly sensitive to choices in subgrid or numerical diffusion, which directly influence the partially resolved flow field.
This workshop will explore the challenges and recent advances in grey-zone turbulence modeling, bringing together researchers to share ideas, insights, and foster stimulating discussions. We will also emphasize interdisciplinary perspectives on the LES/RANS grey zone, drawing from fields beyond Meteorology, including Engineering Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and broader Geophysical and Astrophysical modelling applications.
When: 23 - 25 June 2025
Where: University of Exeter (Streatham Campus), Xfi Building, Henderson Lecture Theatre.
Organisers: Georgios Efstathiou (University of Exeter), Dimitar G. Vlaykov (University of Exeter), Paul Burns(UK Met Office)
Abstract submission and Registration
Abstract submission deadline: 28 February 2025 Registration deadline: 28 March 2025